Electrical Contractors
About Us
Simcoe County's largest full service electrical contractorElectrical IndustrialResidential & Commercial Electrical ServicesService & Parts CounterVoice & Data Networks & Automation/Design Services
Wallwin Electric can service all of your needs including Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Automation services.
Wallwin Electric Services Ltd. is located in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, where it was founded in 1951. Due to steady growth, we have expanded several times from our original 320 square foot building. Today, we operate from a state-of-the-art facility that is 16,500 square feet. Outside of our traditional territory of Central Ontario, our client base has grown and now includes several regions of Canada, the United States, and Internationally. As one of the largest electrical contractors of its kind in Canada, Wallwin is considered by its clients and its competitors to be at the top of its class.
We offer complete industrial and commercial electrical contracting services. Having 5 full time estimators on staff, we specialize in design build projects, including all lighting and power distribution layout and design. We employ extremely competent automation control specialists backed by an experienced staff of field support technicians. We can meet your control needs from design to programming and commissioning.
Industrial: Our team has the expertise to get new lines running quickly. Whether your company produces auto parts or food products we have the experience to meet your needs.
Commercial: Tight deadline? Any job big or small we will dedicate the resources to meet you