Not-For-Profit: Community Organizations
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Driving Directions:
201 Georgian Drive. Barrie, ON.
About Us
The RVH Auxiliary is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of fundraising to support and enhance patient care at RVH. The Auxiliary owns and operates Café Royale and Victoria’s Gift Shop, rents retail space to outside vendors and participates in the provincial Hospital Equipment Lottery Project for People (HELPP). As well, volunteer members support the mission by participating in a variety of annual fundraising activities and events; Bazaar, Battle of the BBQs, Bon Spiel, Santa Shuffle, bake sales, bus tours and the Team RVH silent auction and 50/50 Draw. Since the inception of the Auxiliary in September 1897, millions of dollars have been raised to support patient care: