Security, Fire & Safe/Vaults
Monday- Friday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
About Us
Ideal for keeping track of your company vehicles.
Knowing where your vehicles are at all times!
• Be able to advise your customers about arrival times!
• Knowing if your vehicles are being used off hours!
• Getting alerts about vehicle mechanical issues!
• Keeping track of drivers operating habits!
• And much more...
Emailed reports and alerts included and available as needed!
Available ELD Electronic Drivers Logs. Complete back end management, Blue tooth access to vehicle ECU and drivers cell phone. Drivers input log information on their cell phones. (MTO has mandated that this type of service is used for vehicles that travel more then 160km from their home yard)
Available Dash cam / Drivers cam, with AI to alert if drivers are distracted while driving, this is a cloud based service that make video available live when needed, alerts are sent to the dispatcher while the vehicle is operating… Back up memory is included in the camera. Available are aux camera to monitor loading and unloading… (Insurance companies are now asking for these system, protect yourself with information that can help in the event that your vehicle has been involved in an accident)
Our company can also provide Fob based electronic door systems for shop doors or office doors… (track who is coming and going when and at what time)
We do Video Camera systems that can be deployed inside and out side of your facilities… (keep track of your assets and be able to see what happened when damage occurs)
Contact us today at 705-345-4505 to schedule a consultation.
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