Date and Time
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
9 am to noon
The Sandbox Centre,
24 Maple Ave.
2nd floor
Barrie, ON
L4N 1R7
Book the regular session only:
Early Bird (before March 21) $149
March 21 or after $249
Make the Most of Your Session:
Upgrade your booking with and an additional 1 hour group check in/ accountability session
At the Sandbox Centre (April 11, 9:30 am ) for an Additional $40 ($189 Early Bird, $289 Regular)
Our Elite Upgrade Booking adds a personal 1 hour session on site with senior staff for an additional $75 ($224 Early Bird, $324 Regular)
To save your spot, register at:
Contact Information
Sue Carr
Phone/ text at 705-791-4602
Send Email
How many key staff are you prepared to lose this year?
This session is for you if you are concerned about keeping and supporting your team in this challenging environment. How do you attract the best candidates to support your organization to be more productive and effective?
Regardless of the sector you represent, you will find practical tips and tools to use in your company.
In this half day seminar, we will help you start the 2nd quarter with the right tone to find and keep your best staff and position them to be more productive and effective in their roles.
Session will include worksheets to turn knowledge into action and upgrades for a follow up group support session 2 weeks after, or a private follow up session with your senior leadership at your location.
Register prior to Mar 21 to take advantage of Early Bird pricing.
To save your seat: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/YVLZQCACLURN