Date and Time
Saturday Nov 16, 2024
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
The parade will leave Tiffin/Lakeshore at 5pm sharp.
Parade floats arrive to the parade route between 2pm - 4pm. Floats will not be admitted after 4pm.
FLOAT ENTRIES are: All floats must be decorated in the theme of the parade. The parade is intended for the enjoyment of children rather than for the promotion of any particular business. The only commercial vehicles that will be permitted to participate in the parade are those actually pulling the floats; no stand-alone vans, trucks, etc.
$250 for commercial businesses
$200 for non-commercial organizations
All floats must be completely built upon arrival at the parade. Non-completed floats will not be admitted.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If you are unable to attend, please email tricia@barriechamber.com to cancel before 12:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the event. There are no refunds for this event.

The Barrie Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the return of Santa! A night parade full of fantastic lights, colours and music.
This year's parade is scheduled for 5pm on Saturday, November 16, 2024. The theme is "JOY TO THE WORLD: A Celebration of Traditional Holiday Music"! We're excited to see all the creative ways that our floats bring it to life!
All floats must be completely built upon arrival at the parade. Non-completed floats will not be admitted.
Download the Participant Guide here.
Download the "How to Build a Float" guide here.
Please note that all participants of the Barrie Santa Claus Parade must agree to the terms and conditions of the Participant Guide. Registration for the event will imply your agreement to those terms.
Float Registration Deadline: Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 by 2pm.