Date and Time
Friday Dec 8, 2023
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Friday December 8th, 2023
6:00 PM
Midland Cultural Centre
333 King Street
Midland ON L4R 3M7
Premium tickets: $200 includes live entertainment, inspiring and impactful stories, an exciting silent auction, and a gourmet dining experience by Feast Catering & Events that will tantalize your taste buds
Contact Information
Shelly Price
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We are thrilled to announce that the Shine the Light Gala is BACK IN PERSON!
We can't wait to see you at the Midland Cultural Centre on December 8th and celebrate together for a great cause.
Tickets are now on SALE and there are limited tickets available. The event will feature a delightful evening with singer, songwriter and storyteller Susan Aglukark as the headliner. Susan is a seven times Juno Award winning Aboriginal recording artist and motivational speaker. The evening will also include live entertainment, inspiring and impactful stories, an exciting silent auction, and a gourmet dining experience by Feast Catering & Events that will tantalize your taste buds. To purchase tickets please visit: www.givewaypoint.com/events/ticket